Now I know I'm just a microscopically small artist and that I shouldn't expect a lot of anybody when I post, this may just be the dopamine talking but lately I've been contemplating if I should become a supporter here on Newgrounds to help boost my art's performance. The main reasons why I haven't is because
- I would have to mange two different subscriptions now.
- I'm kinda short on money and I won't be paid until the end of the month.
- Just way to many unknown variables of what exactly would happen and what I would need to do to properly take advantage of it
Especially that last one, like half of the perks I don't know how to use or don't apply to me.
I wouldn't be opposed to actually getting it, It's just the matter of what would happen and what I should do to capitalize on it, any and all feedback on this matter would be extremely appreciated. thx :)